Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Favorite Guys

Even though the circumstances were not perfect, I was able to have lunch with three of my favorite men in the whole world yesterday. My mom and cousin Debbie joined us as well. Family really is the best!

Left to Right: Husband-Michael, Father-Ron, Brother-Chris

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Flowers Flowers Everywhere

Okay, even I can appreciate the beauty of flowers...for a day or so or until my car is covered in yellow pollen. When spring rolls around I often get asked how the grounds at work are looking. So, I snapped a few pictures of a spring day in Richmond. I Hope you enjoy!

This patch of flowers is outside of the entrance.
The Stone Barn and it's lovely tree.

The Italian Garden in all it's tulip glory!
The Italian Garden
The Italian Garden - This is the favorite wedding spot,,,you can just imagine a bride walking towards you!

A close-up of a fully opened tulip.

Weddings occur under the dome at the top of the picture.

The Italian Garden overlooks the Japanese Garden which is down at the river level.
A path up from the Italian Garden. Everything is so green!
Looking out into the Italian Garden. I love the columns!
Looking back towards the Italian Garden from the path. That arch is one of my favorite picture spots.
That is the end brides start at as they walk towards the dome.

Love the color of this flower!
Simple white flower over flowing onto the original walkway,

More flowering trees off in the distance as seen through the porte-cochere of the Mansion.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Walk into Work

Today is the first day of spring. I was greeted by flowering trees seen through a dense fog as I walked to my office this morning.

Happy spring!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Cheesy Cuteness!

I saw these cute ravioli in the refrigerator section of Costco recently. They are just perfect for St. Patrick's Day, don't you think?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Day in the Office

This is the tree just outside my office door. It's pretty...if you like that kind of flowery, sweet smelling thing. I'd prefer snow.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Too Many Cups!

With four of us in the house I found that we were going through 12 - 16 cups/glasses A DAY. My dishwasher could be filled with just two days worth of cups/glasses. Leaving cups on the counter to use later was not working - people could not remember which cup was theirs and ended up using another cup and then leaving both on the counter. Repeat this scenario several times a day and I knew there had to be a better way. So, I started to use this cup holder.
Everyone rinses out their cup after each use and puts it in their slot. At the end of the day I wash and dry the cups and return them to their slots - ready for the next day.

I bought my holder at an antique store but this weekend I saw this one at Walmart and it would work just as well! And, it was only $5.00!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Good Bye Winter...Sniffle...Sniffle

Last Monday morning we had the last of winter I believe and I'm sinking into a state of seasonal depression. We had two snowfalls (if you want to call them that) this winter. One lasted about 12 hours and the other lasted about 6 hours. After that you could not tell it snowed. Not one bit. Here are our blooming daffodils in the last 'snow'.

To add further insult to injury the Bradford Pear trees in our front yard have decided, in a show of solidarity with the Crocus (who made their appearance back in January!) and Daffodils, to bloom at least three weeks early. Mother Nature was cruel to me this winter but good to our power bill...I'm trying to find the positive where I can.